Last year, in 2010, our family acquired a dog from a dog rescue out of Colorado. We really weren’t looking for a dog, but God was speaking loud and clear, so we took him on. To say the least, it wasn’t an easy transition at all. In fact, it was very difficult for him, because he was overwhelmed with kindness. Only ever knowing extreme abuse and neglect, he was left distraught and bewildered in nature.  Physically tortured, he lost his right hind leg to an auto accident that was intended to leave him dead, not just wounded. However, God in all his glory, had a different plan for him…hope and help was on it’s way!

His hind leg was amputated and a new life was in the works for this young dog.  His future was uncertain. Little did he know, that soon he would be coming to live with a new family in a whole new state, many months later. When he arrived at our door, we knew little about his story, except that he was overly aggressive toward men and his leg was missing. At that point, there was nothing left to heal on the outside, but there was much to be healed on the inside.

He came to us with a name that was anything but honorable, so our first job was to give him an endearing name we could all live with.  That’s how Squishy came to be known as ‘Quincy’. Within 24 hours, he made his prescence known with my husband, when he bit him in the hand that next morning. The tensions were high, and both man and dog were anything but forgiving at that point! It wasn’t a cohesive atmosphere by any means…but, through the weeks we calmly pursued balance in the home with Quincy and Dad. With much patience and kindness, we had a lot of hurdles to leap. And with the stress of it all…Quincy’s diet had to be reevaluated. And as well, alot of old, nasty hair  had to be replaced with new and healthy hair. In all of this shedding, we soon came to affectionately know him as, ‘Harry Potter’!

As the months went by,  it was now time for us to go on our family vacation. Dad, however, decided  work was a bit too demanding at that point. So, it was then that we chose to go ahead without him, leaving Dad and Quincy behind. This was a big decision, to leave them alone, together. They were at such a critical stage in their journey…but God knew the outcome, and Dad wasn’t worried. So, together, we trusted that all would be well and prayed for his healing to be complete within the next few, short weeks. We knew that this was the final test for them both…but, was the timing right? The scales of balance could have been tipped at this point. Only God knew, that the cross that Quincy boar could be healed in just this way.

By the time we returned three weeks later, they had not only bonded, but they were actually loving one another. Quincy had truely prevailed in his last quest, and all was well again in the Potter household. Thanks be to God for that, because Dad was standing on his last leg of this journey as well; all goes well, that ends well…isn’t that what they always say?! Now Quincy not only had a new name and a new home, but he had a new life…he was where he belonged, on the farm; chosen, for such a time as this!

Many weeks later, we were invited to attend a local community parade with our 4H club and felt that Quincy had earned his Healer spots…So, as the story goes…he made his first appearance to society with Dad and Olivia in tow! He was a crowd favorite; everyone was mesmerized by the fact that he was sitting so perfectly, and so ‘well-balanced’ atop of the horse, where his father had placed him.  From the time he was placed there, he never waivered, even once. From death’s door to parade central, here he was, in all his glory; being shown to the world as a ‘survivor’! Who could take that away from him at this point? It was his destiny, and we were apart of God’s plan for him. His moment, was our moment…it was priceless!

As my story comes to it’s close, however, there’s so much to be said for the acts of  patience and kindness; they’re both important virtues that we can’t easily live without! If we hadn’t taken the time needed, to align ourselves with Quincy’s special needs, and he hadn’t been willing to want to come to know us in a loving manner, we might have never balanced out as a family should. Now, more than a year later, I look back and ponder at the difference Quincy has made in our life. I can reflect on his quirkiness, that makes him so very special in our daily lives. He still has a bit of regression to overcome, but in the case of man vs. dog…I believe that the balance lies here, in the ‘voice’ of it all. It’s how we use our tone, and the way we choose to approach certain types of situations. Each one can determine the outcome in a positive or negative manner. If we are willing to maintain a more balanced attitude, upon approaching each and every one of life’s ups and downs, we can overcome any obstical. We can choose to be of good spririt, and not get upset by the little things. Or, we can choose to simply ‘get bit’ by what life has to throw back at us! Whichever, again, it is your choice to stay balanced in your daily life. It just goes to show, you don’t need a three-legged dog to treat you to a few stitches, in order to learn a good lesson of respect and honorability.

Overall, you just need to slow down, and listen more. The answer is in the face staring back at you…be it human or animal. All balance comes from the Creator. If the eyes tell the untold story, then the body tells the untold pain. For while the ears are there to listen,  the mind must be willing to bring about the knowledge to understand and accept all, that we don’t yet understand.  God has a way of  bringing us back to the balance and harmony we’re lacking, if only we’re willing to listen to the signs he chooses for us the see.  It’s that very wisdom, that brings us to know when to reach out to help others, when we’d rather sit on the front porch and simply watch. God wants us to be proactive in our day; to not be afraid to take on a challenge…to be aware, that even though it might bite a little in the beginning, it all comes back to love you in the end!

Praise God for the healing times in our lives, that they may always leave us with no permanent scars in the end.

Jude 21…’Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you eternal life.’